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Data management service

CALDISS offers a small-scale data management service. The service includes compiling, cropping and filtering registry-based data into combined datasets.

Data management service

CALDISS offers a small-scale data management service. The service includes compiling, cropping and filtering registry-based data into combined datasets.

The service is provided at the beginning of a project. At this stage, CALDISS can assist with creating a unified dataset across multiple registers, making it ready for further analysis. CALDISS generally only assists at the beginning of a project with a single delivery. CALDISS does not solve ad hoc data processing tasks.

Please note that CALDISS also offers workshops specifically aimed at working with registry-based data in SAS and STATA. These workshops can be asked for by filling out the form "Ask for a workshop".

CALDISS offers the following services within the management of registry-based data:

  • Composition of registers across years
  • Composition of registers and survey data
  • Simple filtering (observations that contain one or more specific criteria)
  • Cuts (e.g. only observations that are part of a survey or cohort)
  • Simple compound/combined variables (variables that can be created by simple mutation of existing variables)
  • Creating "generic" scripts/codes for the above, which can be easily reused (in STATA, SAS, R and Python)


How do I make use of the service?

Depending on the nature of your request, you can either prepare the script/code file with the data in question on the server, or prepare it outside of the server, in which case you will need to upload and run the script/code file yourself.

NOTE: An employee at CALDISS must be added to a project at Statistics Denmark for the script to be prepared with data from the server